Herpes simplex is a type of infection triggered by the herpes simplex virus, sometimes referred to as HSV. It can be oral, and in that case it is characterized by the outbreak of cold sores generally around your mouth.
Herpes simplex may also affect sufferers in the form of genital herpes, which is known to affect the buttocks, genitals, or anal area. This medical condition is considered an STD (a sexually transmitted disease).
HSV can sometimes affect other areas of your body, including other areas of the skin, or the eyes or feet. Keep in mind that in adults it usually isn’t that dangerous, but it can be when newborns and those with weak immune systems are affected.
Types of HSV
There are two different types of HSV. Type 1 is commonly the cause of cold sores, while type 2 usually triggers the outbreak of genital herpes. All types of herpes simplex virus can be spread by means of direct contact.
Family Members
The main question here is whether herpes simplex virus changes when passed on from parent to child. From a genetic point of view, a recent study shows the virus transferred from father to son is minimally changed. They show very few differences, even though they are not completely identical. It isn’t easy to answer our question with a simple “yes” or “no.”
The next step in the research is to determine the changes in the virus when the transmission occurs between unrelated persons. By doing so, scientists will be able to come up with much better solutions for the prevention and treatment of both types of herpes simplex virus.